Home » 太田龍の時事寸評 » 過去記事一覧 » 第一千六百二十四回


公開日時:2008年07月10日 01時48分
更新日時:2008年07月28日 01時27分


◯マイケル・ルパートが、CNNテレビの特別番組(we were warned:
 the coming oil crisis)について、注意を喚起して居る。















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cnn to air special on peak oil six times this weekend - we were warned: the coming oil crisis

i sent the following email to my good friend harry blazer in kalispell, montana last night. on reflecting i asked why i shouldn't share it with everyone.

watch this program!
harry, stop whatever you are doing. do it now. go to the cnn website. look at the schedule.
"we were warned: the coming oil crisis" a new 1hr special that will air:
three times on saturday at 5pm 8pm and 11pm,
and three times on sunday (same times).
the show is being blazoned in ads like you can't believe.
ask yourself why this is happening now?

it's here man. it's here. whatever we have done to prepare ourselves: good bad or indifferent is the skill and resource set we start the big game with.


■cnn special "we were warned" falls way short, even as a limited hangout
 timing suggests serious problems ahead this year
 by michael c. ruppert-march 21, 2006 0900 pst (ftw)

■japan to slash iranian oil imports
 game of iranian roulette escalates through japan more pressure on ghawar
 by michael c. ruppert-march 17, 2006 0800 pst (ftw)

*05:05 - nippon oil, others to slash iran oil imports on embargo concerns - march 16

*this news item is from nikkei, march 16. http://www.nikkei.co.jp/news/sangyo/20060316at1d1508e15032006.html



 新日石によるイラン原油の輸入抑制は、渡文明会長が同日、石油連盟会長としての定例記者会見で明らかにした。 (ニュース2006/03/16 07:00)

■a review of cnn: "we were warned: tomorrow's oil crisis"
 submitted by tfugate on sun, 2006-03-19 11:21.
 tom fugate
 mad river post carbon http://www.postcarbon.org/node/2553

this cnn documentary was shown three times on march 18 and again on march 19. apparently the mainstream media has decided it's time to alert the american public that there's a serious problem coming with energy supplies. i suppose that those of us who have been talking about this looming crisis for years should appreciate the fact that it's finally getting some traction with the media. as a serious discussion of the issue, however, this film leaves much to be desired.

to begin with there was not one mention of the words "peak oil" by anyone. surely matthew simmons at least must have spoken about peak oil with frank sesno. did they edit it out? if so, for what reason? instead of a serious discussion about the geological realities we are facing what we got was a confusing mishmash of a future oil crisis in 2009 caused by a category 5 hurricane striking houston followed by a terrorist attack on saudi arabia oil infrastructure. juxtaposed with this we had cnn's frank sesno investigating various possibilities of meeting america's petroleum "needs". osama bin laden received prominent mention several times as a likely cause of the oil crisis. indeed the entire film could be seen as one big advertisement for the "war on terror".

sesno looks at various possibilities for meeting america's oil demands: deep water drilling in the gulf of mexico, canadian tar sands, and most prominently, george bush's current favorite techno-fix: ethanol. there was no discussion of the likely impact of future hurricanes on deep water drilling (25% of gom oil production is still off line from last fall's hurricane season), no discussion of the need for increasingly scarce natural gas to process the tar sands, and no mention of the concept of net energy with respect to ethanol or the impact the widespread production of ethanol would have on soil depletion and food production. the net effect was probably to leave the uninformed viewer confused.

the biggest shortcoming of the film was the fact that it completely focused on possible supply solutions while ignoring the demand side. there was no mention of the urgent need for americans to give up their energy-intensive lifestyles. indeed it seems to be a given that those must continue. there was a brief mention of the fact that population growth is increasing oil demand (the baby carriages on the freeway was my favorite clip in the film) but no mention of the urgent need to reduce population.

perhaps i expect too much from us. perhaps this is the best we can do when faced with the greatest crisis in human history. indeed it may be too late to save this oil-dependent civilization. a transition away from fossil fuels would need to have begun 50 years ago. there isn't enough energy or materials left on the planet to re-build all our cities now with peak oil upon us. it just may be that overshoot and collapse is hard wired in our reptilian brains. hopefully the survivors will learn something from our mistakes.


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