ゲルマール・ルドルフの即時釈放を要求する米国市民の駐米ドイツ大使への公開書簡。公開日時:2008年06月21日 22時42分 更新日時:2008年06月21日 23時28分
germany and holocaust revisionism: ◯この公開書簡の英語原文は、末尾に前文掲載する。 ◯以下にその要点を記す。
(1)ドイツ政府は、今、ホロコースト修正主義学者、 (2)国連の人権宣言は、明確に言論の自由権を保護して居る。
(5)ゲルマール・ルドルフを、 (6)ドイツ政府は、即時、ゲルマール・ルドルフを釈放せよ。 以下省略。 ◯米国人ポール・グルバッハのこの公開状の趣旨、論旨に、 ◯当「時事寸評」は、全面的に賛同することを、ここに公然と表明する。
◯もちろん、我々は、 ◯ドイツは、第二次世界大戦敗北後、日本と同じく、
◯米英(イルミナティサタニスト世界権力)の占領下にありつづけている ◯そして、初代の西ドイツ首相は、アデナウアーである。
◯我々の聞いたところによれば、 ◯首相に正式就任する前に、 ◯「首相文書」なるものに署名しなければならない。 ◯この「首相文書」には、
◯ドイツの新聞(マスコミ)は、百五十年間(つまり、二〇九九年まで)、 ◯と書いてあるのだそうだ。
◯占領下の「ドイツ政府」は、 ◯ゲルマール・ルドルフについては、ここでは省略する。 ◯この問題は、更に継続して論じることにする。
germany and holocaust revisionism:
embassy of germany january 25, 2006
dear ambassador ischinger, re: the german government's persecution of holocaust revisionist scholar, germar rudolf. the un declaration of human rights is very clear and unequivocal on the right to freedom of speech. it states: "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." the german government stands in blatant violation to this un declaration. herewith. germar rudolf is a german citizen who was forced to flee his native germany because he has questioned and refuted certain aspects of the holocaust ideology. in the united states, near chicago, revisionist scholar rudolf was recently torn from his american wife and their child and delivered to germany, where he is in prison in stuttgart. i repeat the un declaration's statement: "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression." by imprisoning and persecuting germar rudolf because of his opinions and expressions about the holocaust ideology, the german government is guilty of violating his right to freedom of opinion and expression. in response to my accusations, i suspect you are going to defend your government's actions with the following line of reasoning: "what germar rudolf says about the holocaust is racist hate speech that must be banned in order to prevent another resurgence of nazism in germany." even if what rudolf has to say about the holocaust ideology is "racist hate speech," it still could be true. simply labeling a viewpoint as "racist hate speech" in no way disproves the viewpoint. but let us give your government the benefit of the doubt and assume that everything (!) that rudolf says about the holocaust ideology is indeed 100% false, and that it is indeed "racist hate speech." a truly democratic society grants its citizens the right to be hopelessly and demonstrably wrong. the right to freedom of speech is not to be applied selectively, depending upon the nature of the viewpoint in question. it is to be applied universally and consistently to all members of a democratic society. if it means anything at all, freedom of speech means the right to hold and expound controversial and unpopular opinions. don't imprison rudolf. release him and defeat his ideas in open and democratic debate. if contemporary germany truly were a liberal democracy that respected everyone's right to freedom of expression, the german government would release germar rudolf and defeat his ideas in a nationally televised debate. this would be the way that you could help to prevent the resurgence of a dictatorial and oppressive national socialist form of government. by releasing germar rudolf and engaging him in open debate, this would show the german people that a democracy that respects everyone's right to freedom of opinion and expression is superior to a right wing dictatorship that suppresses freedom of speech. the continued imprisonment of my friend and colleague germar rudolf (and others like him) for expressing their opinions on the holocaust ideology only serves to undermine the german people's faith in your so-called "democracy." i am asking for the immediate release of my friend and colleague germar rudolf by the german authorities. i await your response. sincerely, paul grubach
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